Remote Support & Commissioning
Remote access has never been more important, with internet connectivity expanding daily and customer expectation for such technology increasing, not being able to deploy, modify and diagnose your software remotely puts you in the dark ages of technology.
We learnt this lesson the hard way spending 1000’s of hours travelling to Aerobic Digester plants all over the country to design, program, test, & commission the software that runs them. This software is complicated and crucial to the running and safety of these plants. Downtime or incorrect control logic can cause costly damage.
This led us to build our own extremely cost-effective remote access solution, which is secure by design using industry-standard AES-256 encryption. Being designed and maintained in-house we have been able to push this cost-saving to our customers and in certain cases remove the need to visit site for commissioning and long term support.
You can read more about how we developed this VPN on our employees blog here