Common automation related acronyms and their meanings
Acronym | Meaning | Acronym | Meaning |
SCADA | Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition | PLC | Programmable Logic Controller |
HMI | Human Machine Interface | RTU | Remote Terminal Unit |
RIO | Remote I/O | RF | Radio Frequency |
PID | Proportional Integral Derivative (feedback control) | MSB | Most Significant Bit |
MODICON | MOdular DIgital CONtoller | MMI | Man Machine Interface |
LSB | Least Significant Bit | LL | Ladder Logic |
ISO | International Standards Organization | I/O | Input(s) and/or Output(s) |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers | IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission |
EMI | ElectroMagnetic Interference | EIA | Electronic Industries Association |
DIO | Distributed I/O | CSA | Canadian Standards Association |
BCD | Binary Coded Decimal | ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
KISS | Keep it simple, stupid | TCP/IP | Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol |
DTE | Data Terminal Equipment | DCE | Data Circuit-terminating Equipment |
R&D | Research & Development | RTD | Research & Technical Development |
SAE | System Architecture Evolution | ABS | Anti-Blocking System |
ADSL | Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line | AE | Alarm and Events |
SMTP | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol | IMAP | Internet Message Access Protocol |
POP | Post Office Protocol | MBP | Modbus Plus |
SI | Systems Integrator | BER | Basic Encoding Rules |
HTTP | Hypertext Transfer Protocol | HVAC | Heat, Ventilation, Air Conditioning |
DH | Data Highway | SPI | Serial Peripheral Interface |
PDU | Protocol Data Unit | EEPROM | Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory |
RAM | Random Access Memory | FB | Field Bus |
JPL | Jet Propulsion Laboratory | RTOS | Real-Time Operating System |
LAMP Stack | Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP Stack | SQL | Structured Query Language |
LEMP Stack | Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP Stack | SSH | Secure Shell |